Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The End is Near-

Dear Friend-
As of January 2010 I will be disbanding my website-
Along with that I will be eliminating 2 e-mail addresses:
karen@robynseggblue.com and
Please make a note to change my e-mail address in your file to:
To follow my latest designs please visit my blog:
Be sure to sign up as a follower to recieve notices of when articles are posted.
Thanks you for your interest-
Karen Platner

-I will be sending out my post cards with the above notice to alert friends & family of these changes. I appreciate everyone who has looked at and commented on this charming website. Thank you to Lisa Doty for making my vision a reality with a beautiful product, I will miss sending people to view it. A huge thank you also to my neice Ceirha Tripp for her exquisite artwork, she is a true craftsman. I highly recommend working with either of these 2 women!

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